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Home / Firmware for to all receivers / Freesat / GTMedia V8X Mars

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GTMedia V8X_Mars_V1.10.5758_15012023.zip
1. Support fast scanning function 2. Optimize weather forecast 3. Solve the problem of the collapse of the channel 4. Update information bar and channel list
    ściągnij175 3.55 Mb 29.01.2023 21:20 Admin
GTMedia V8X_Mars_V1.09.4852_09-09-2..zip
1.fix lower power standby issue 2.add xtream iptv 3.fix some bugs
    ściągnij85 3.56 Mb 14.09.2022 21:22 Admin
GTMedia V8 X Mars_V1.09.5257_202210..zip
1.Optimize the problem of switching encrypted channels 2.Add the information when playing the delayed channel 3.Add support for Russian, Arabic, Portuguese 4.Fix the xtream issues 5.Set the default as 'ON ' of the 'Biss Auto update' 6.fix other known issues
    ściągnij123 3.64 Mb 01.11.2022 21:17 Admin
GTMedia V8 X Mars_V1.09.5024_202209..zip
1.add the function to change the channel list style to three columns 2.fix the issue when switch the channels,the box is hung up,no response 3.Other known minor issues
    ściągnij116 3.61 Mb 01.10.2022 23:12 Admin
GTMedia V8 X Mars_V1.09.4739_202208..zip
    ściągnij99 3.56 Mb 03.09.2022 11:32 Admin
Cała pamięć zajęta: 17.93 Mb

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